Posts Tagged ‘Professional Wrestling’


William Regal and Triple H with (in order): Bayley, Sasha Banks, Finn Balor, and Enzo and Cas. The future of WWE

So the WWE draft is this week. Like most of you I’m eager to see who ends up on what show. I am also scared. I’m scared because splitting the roster in the name of “unpredictability” could ruin two divisions just when they’ve started to rebuild: the Women’s division and the Tag Team division. My solution, give the women to RAW and the Tag Team’s to SMACKDOWN. Here’s why? (more…)


By Todd Matthy

It’s been awhile since I’ve written a wrestling post. But this merits attention. When I started this blog a few years back, to amuse myself and hone my writing skills I did a fantasy booking scenario where Sting came to WWE.

I laid out on a week-to-week basis, everything that would’ve been done had Sting become a full-time member of WWE’s roster. Was it good? That’s for you to decide. I consider what I did my scratching of the itch to be a WWE Writer. I still want to write wrestling, (and may in another format ;)) but if it doesn’t happen, at least I know I put my ideas out there. Then something happened.

At Survivor Series on November 23rd, Sting made his first appearance in a WWE ring. And he did it to conclude a major story. I screamed. I couldn’t believe it. The moment I dreamed of was here and it didn’t disappoint. Sting laid out Triple H, allowing Dolph Zigger to pin Seth Rollins and free the WWE Universe from the oppression of the Authority. It was perfect. Now what? (more…)


By Todd Matthy

On April 7th 2013, I finally got to go to Wrestlemania. Was it everything I expected? Click below to find out. For photos from the show check out my article for Y&P.  (more…)


Y&P Goes to Wrestlemania

By Todd Matthy

The fate of pro wrestling was decided in 2001 when WWE purchased WCW and shattered the dreams of every wrestling fan with the subsequent “Invasion.” I’m not going to bore you with the details but the biggest storyline in wrestling history became the biggest bomb in wrestling history…and it was designed to be. Vince McMahon’s ego wouldn’t allow WCW (and ECW) to portrayed as equals to the WWE, driving off millions of wrestling fans that have not returned. So how could it have turned out differently?

Kayfabe Commentaries turned to Vince Russo and Jim Cornette to rebook the Invasion. What would they have done? And whose version is better? Click below to find out. (more…)


Andre the Giant by Brian

Drawing the Life of Andre the Giant with Brian “Box” Brown | Y&P.

By Todd Matthy

It’s the end of the year and a time for reflection. Since everybody’s doing a best of list, I decided to throw in my two cents, so here’s my best of 2011.

Note: If you’re looking for Year in Music, click here. (more…)

By Todd Matthy

WWE and TNA listen up. Since both organizations are trying to be drama rather than wrestling, I think it’s about time you learned something from drama. Something that will both create compelling television and give old-school wrestling fans what they want. And all you need to do is watch HBO’s “Game of Thrones.”

So what can a show about a world with dragons and long winters teach the writers at WWE and TNA? Why how to create a villain of course. All you have to do is look to Joffrey Baratheon. (more…)

By Todd Matthy

1997 was a compelling year for the WWE. On TV it was one of the most exciting times with the USA vs. Canada feud, the rise of Steve Austin, the birth of the Rock, the formation of Degeneration X, the coming of Kane, and Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart were on a collision course both inside and outside the ring which would culminate in one of the most controversial moments in wrestling history. Behind the scenes it was a nightmare. WWE was being slaughtered by WCW in the ratings and PPV buys thanks to the amazing (but beaten to death) NWO storyline. Despite these set backs everything was in place for the company to do the best business in its history. All they needed was a spark. In Kayfabe Commentaries “Timeline (the History of WWE) 1997 with Jim Cornette” the legendary manager/writer/booker takes us on a journey to the moment where the spark was found and ignited what would become known as “the Attitude Era.” (more…)

Conducted by Todd Matthy

If you enjoyed “Thor” and HBO’s  “Game of Thrones,” “Kingdom of Gladiators” should interest you. Directed by Stefano Milla and starring Suzi Lorraine, Annie Social, Leroy Kincaide, and Matt Polinsky, “Kingdom of Gladiators” is the story of a king who made a pact with a demon who’s come to collect the debt. To learn more about the movie, I spoke with the stars and director Stefano Milla. (more…)